
beauty . love . knowledge . me

Friday, February 13, 2009


1. 雖然是政治系畢業卻從來沒有對參與政治,玩政治,搞政治感到興趣。(Not interested in participating in politics even with a Political Science degree.)
2. 喜愛文學,及其延伸的各種音樂,美術,電影和話劇。(In love with literature, and its extension to music, arts, film, and drama.)
3. 相信夢想 (Believe in dreams)
4. 對數理科有與生俱來的逃避,卻從畢業後第一份工作開始不停的接觸著科,理,數等事情。(Born an escapist to Math and Science subjects, however, since the first job after graduation, it all involves tech, science, and math…..)
5. 希望從09年開始跳回文學的懷抱。(Hopefully, from 2009, I can return to the embrace of literature)
6. 常常被朋友用“可愛”來形容,後來朋友解釋這是指不漂亮但友善的人。-_-! (Friends often say I am “cute”, later on, they explain that means someone is nice but not pretty. -_-!)
7. 大部分時間都喜歡群體生活,但是久不久一定要有自己獨處的時間。(Enjoy being in a group most of the time, but definitely need a few moments of personal time once in a while.)
8. 覺得一杯好的咖啡和一杯港式奶茶是人生一大享受。(A cup of good coffee and a cup of Hong Kong style milk tea is the best enjoyment in life.)
9. 喜歡認識有熱誠的人。(Like to meet people with passion.)
10. 相信愛,在學習愛,相信完全的愛,也相信應該一輩子也學不完。(Believe in love, learning it, believe in complete love, also believe will need to spend whole life to learn it.)
11. 對於家人有很大的感恩,也在努力學習對家庭的付出。(Feel very grateful for my family members, and in the process of learning to contribute in a family.)
12. 成長過程中(還在進行中),遇到很多良師益友。(When growing up (still growing…), meet so many good teachers and friends.)
13. 回顧上學的日子,每天都是笑聲滿載的,很感恩。(Looking back to the school days, everyday was filled with joy and laughters, very grateful about it.)
14. 喜歡吃,也喜歡煮,但是吃比煮有天分。(Like to eat, also like to cook, but with more talent to eat than to cook.)
15. 時不時會想起想感謝的人,但是怕老土可能沒有表達過。(Always think of those who is so thankful to, but afraid it may sound too odd to just call and say thanks.)
16. 最感恩是從小就認識了主,我或許有離開祂的時候,可祂卻從來沒有離開我。(Knowing God since I was a kid is the most grateful thing in my life. I may have left him sometimes but he never did.)
17. 有一個可能一輩子都達不到的夢想就是希望成為美洲杯的18號船員。(One dream that may not be achievable in life is to be Crew No.18 on the America Cup.)


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